Congratulations to our very own Violet Valis, 8 th grade, who won our school Spelling Bee. Violet then went on to compete in the Geauga County Spelling Bee, she competed for 13 rounds and was the runner-up.
The 8 th grade students have been busy applying to their high schools of choice and taking their prospective school’s entrance exams. We are excited to share that we have students attending the following schools: Notre Dame Cathedral Latin, Beaumont, Hawken and Chardon High School. We are very proud of the hard work all the 8 th graders put into this application process and look forward to watching them grow and succeed.
We are pleased to announce that we were able to raise over $3000 from our Marie George
Memorial Golf Outing for our sister school in Nicaragua. Each grade (K-8) was asked to design and built two putt putt holes for the course that was displayed during our school open house.
Registration is still open for preschool and K-8. Please visit our admissions page for additional information.